Price pledge – We guarantee the lowest CI price.

All of our products are sourced from carefully chosen and highly respected manufacturers who share our commitment to product quality, durability and value for money. Consequently, every one of our products is endorsed by a Price Pledge Guarantee.

We believe that all our products offer excellent value for money and that our prices are among the lowest you will find either online or in traditional retail outlets.

However, if while researching your purchase you find an item cheaper elsewhere then we will match the price provided in our opinion, the following conditions are met: 

  • The two items must be identical.
  • The price must be inclusive of GST ( Jersey only )  and any additional charges e.g. delivery.
  • The item must be brand new and not reconditioned, end of line or returned stock.
  • This must be the normal price of the item i.e. it is not in a sale or on special offer.
  • The alternative item must currently be available.

Price promise only applies to goods available in the Channel Islands.

You must provide sufficient information to enable us to verify the price ourselves e.g. a link to the product page on the relevant website showing the product price and delivery charge.

For more information contact and one of our team will get back to you ASAP.

Please note that we reserve the right not to uphold the price promise if circumstances beyond our control have been applied.The price promise will not be applied retrospectively to orders already placed. 

If you need to get in touch…

In the unlikely event that you experience an issue with your purchase or this policy, before it’s delivered please contact:

For any concerns after 7 days of delivery or installation, our sales support team can be contacted on 01534 510742 .

How does it work?

Quite simple really and it can all be done from the comfort of your armchair or on your lunch break at work.

When you have clicked on the 0% Interest-free option at the checkout you will be asked for brief details which will be forwarded to one of our team. We will have approval on your application normally within 2 hours and at that point, you will be contacted by the Cherry Godfrey office to finalise your application. Once we have had confirmation that this process has been completed we will immediately place or deliver your order. 

How do I choose to pay with interest-free credit?

Just select the interest-free credit option in your basket or let the sales consultant know if you’re buying over the phone or in-store.

Is there a deposit to pay?

That is your decision and can be made once you have chosen your furniture and looked at the repayment table, however, a deposit is not required, “NO DEPOSIT, NO PROBLEM” is a term we like to use.

Should you wish to pay or not to pay a deposit notify us when you are discussing the amount you would like to re-pay per month.  

How long is the repayment period?

That depends on how much you spend. If buying online choose the period of time required or over the telephone the options will be explained to you whilst you complete the brief questionnaire with one of our experienced sales consultants.  

When do my repayments start?

Your monthly repayments will begin at a convenient date for you.

Can I take out a finance agreement during the SALE period?

Yes, no problem however we do only offer a Maximum of 12 months of 0% finance during our SALE periods. 

Are there any arrangement fees or hidden extras for credit?

No. You won’t pay a penny more if you choose the interest-free credit option. No charges whatsoever.

Up to 2 years 0% APR interest-free credit

Our 0% interest-free credit is available for a maximum of 2 years. However, we will consider larger sales being taken over an extended period.